What are Genes?

Genes are the basic units of inheritance within our bodies. Genes contain the information that specifies which physical and biological traits are passed down from our parents to us and are responsible for the body functioning the way it should. Most genes act as an instruction book to make proteins.

Proteins are large, complex molecules that play critical roles within the body; from building structural components of the body like bone and muscle, to how well your body metabolizes food, to fighting infection and many other necessary bodily actions, proteins are responsible. 

Genes encode proteins and proteins dictate specific cell function, so when there is a mutation, or breakdown, in the gene, the protein does not translate the specific cell function resulting in a part of the body not working correctly. 

What is a Genetic Mutation?

Genetic mutations occur during cell division. When your cells divide, they hand-write your body’s instruction manual by copying the original document word for word. There’s a lot of room for error during cell division because your cells might substitute (replace), delete (remove), or insert (add) letters while they’re copying. 

If you have an error (genetic break), your genetic instruction manual for your cells may not be readable by the cells or may have missing parts or unnecessary parts added. All of this can mean that your cells can’t function as they normally should.

What is MTHFR? 

The MTHFR gene provides instructions for making an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This enzyme plays a role in processing amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, and is also necessary for the methylation cycle in the body to work optimally. 

The methylation cycle in the body is responsible for converting raw materials that you consume into usable forms that support critical processes in the body. The methylation cycle must work correctly because so many vital bodily processes like detoxification, energy production, hormone regulation, cell repair, and more depend on proper methylation. 

What Happens When There’s an MTHFR Gene Mutation? 

People have two MTHFR genes, inheriting one from each parent, and mutations can affect one or both of these genes. A mutation in the MTHFR gene is relatively common, as up to 44% of the world’s population has this mutation. A MTHFR mutation negatively impacts the methylation cycle in the body. 

Conditions that researchers have associated with MTHFR gene mutations include:

  • Homocysteinemia, which is the term for abnormally high levels of homocysteine in the blood or urine
  • Ataxia, which is a neurological condition that affects coordination
  • Scoliosis, which refers to an abnormal curvature of the spine
  • Anemia, which means that there is a lack of healthy red blood cells in the body
  • Cardiovascular diseases, such as blood clots, stroke, and heart attack
  • Mental Health conditions, such as depression 
  • Behavior Disorders, such as ADHD 

Testing For an MTHFR Gene Mutation 

Genetic testing is a simple process that can uncover priceless information about your body and how it functions. 10X Health offers a genetic test that specifically looks at the MTHFR gene for mutations since this gene is most in command of turning raw nutrients into usable forms for your body. 

If your body is unable to convert raw materials into usable forms because of an MTHFR mutation, you might suffer from a nutrient deficiency that, when left untreated, may result in certain conditions and lead to some diseases. 

The process of the 10X Health genetic test is quick, easy, and non-invasive… No needles are required! We send you a test, you follow instructions to provide a saliva sample, put it in the provided envelope, mail it to us, and our lab team analyzes it. Once we’ve completed the analysis, we will provide you with a comprehensive report, along with recommendations, based on what your genetics tell us. 

If you have symptoms that match those of an MTHFR gene mutation, including, but not limited to: anxiety, ADHD, poor sleep, gut issues, weight gain, brain fog, and high blood pressure, the 10X Genetic Test can provide answers and a plan to improve the deficiencies caused by the gene break. 

Reach out to 10X Health today to learn more about the MTHFR gene and how genetic testing can help your body function at its highest level. 

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