What are Genes?
Genes are made up of DNA and are responsible for unique physical and biological traits in every person. Most genes code for specific proteins, or segments of proteins, which have different functions within the body. Humans contain over 20,000 protein-coding genes, and a total of about 30,000 genes in the human genome, which are all genes together.
What is a Gene Break & How Does It Occur?
Gene breaks, also known as gene mutations, are changes to your DNA sequence that happen during cell division when your cells make copies of themselves, or are present at birth, as many of the most common gene breaks are.
Gene breaks occur when your cells divide. During cell division your cells handwrite your body’s instructional manual word for word — if a word is added, deleted, or another word is inserted, the copy isn’t the same as the original, and a break has occurred. A gene break, or mutation, means your cells cannot function as well as they should. One common gene break that occurs in many of the world’s population is in the MTHFR gene.
How Common Are Gene Breaks?
There are a couple of different ways gene breaks can occur, which determines how common they are. There are gene breaks that are inherited from a parent, these are called hereditary mutations. They are present in all of the body’s cells and can be passed down to new generations.
A hereditary gene break that is passed on does not ensure that the person who inherited it will inherit a genetic disease. Different gene breaks have different penetrance rates; high penetrance rates suggest a higher likelihood of developing a disease, and low penetrance rates suggest a lower chance of developing a disease over time.
Acquired mutations are not inherited from either parent and occur at some point during a lifespan. These mutations are only present in some cells, not reproductive cells, and cannot be passed down to offspring. These mutations may happen when a person is exposed to ultraviolet light, damaging DNA. They may also occur from other environmental factors like cigarette smoke, viruses, radiation, or a poor diet.
Gene breaks are not uncommon. Most people have gene breaks in their bodies but are unaware of them and the consequences they can have on overall health.
What’s the Most Popular Gene Break?
Believe it or not, one gene break, in particular, is present in 44% of the world’s population. It is a break in the MTHFR gene that is directly related to weight, sleep, mood, attention span, and more. This gene also controls the methylation cycle in your body which is a crucial process your body uses to convert raw nutrients into usable forms that your body needs.
A gene break in the MTHFR gene affecting the methylation cycle can severely impact your overall health. If this gene break exists within your body, and you’re living a healthy lifestyle through exercise and a balanced healthy diet, your body cannot use those nutrients because it cannot process them.
The methylation cycle is important for everything from detoxification to energy production, hormone balance, and maintaining proper immune and nervous system function. But it’s not just one gene that controls these things, it’s actually five main genes that could be broken, preventing your body from obtaining its optimal health and functioning the way it should.
How Do You Find Out If You Have A Gene Break?
The only way to precisely find out if you have a gene break is to take a genetic test. Knowing which genes are functioning properly, and which are not, is vital to making changes to improve gene function. You cannot change your genes, but you can correct the way they are functioning.
There are, however, some symptoms that you may be experiencing that are the result of a gene break. Some of these symptoms may include anxiety, depression, ADD/ADHD, OCD, poor sleep, gut issues, weight gain, brain fog, thyroid problems, high blood pressure, a bad temper, and more. If you are experiencing any of these issues, a genetic test can pinpoint if the issue is the result of a gene break.
10X Health provides a genetic test that takes a deep dive into your genetic makeup to better understand what’s functioning properly and what is not. We then use this information to make a personalized plan for you to correct the functioning of your genes and move you toward your optimal wellness.
Finding out how your genes are functioning provides the key to optimal wellness. Reach out to 10X Health today to find out more about our genetic test and how we can help you achieve your best well-being.