Collagen is the most common protein in humans, shaping our bones, cartilage, tendons, and more. It’s like the foundation of our bodies. People often praise collagen for its anti-aging effects, and it’s used in many skincare products, either made in a lab (exogenous collagen) or produced naturally in our bodies (endogenous collagen). But as we age, our body’s natural collagen production slows down, which can lead to less elastic skin, weaker joints, and slower healing.

Consequently, this slowdown in collagen production can have a significant impact on our overall health, including our weight. Weaker bones and joints can impede our ability to exercise and build muscle, which are crucial for maintaining health and vitality. This reduced physical activity can, in turn, contribute to weight gain. It’s a complex web of interconnected factors; one issue often begets another.

Therefore, it’s essential to understand how to effectively supplement our bodies with the proper nutrients. Discover why collagen peptides may benefit weight loss, how much you should take, and when you may start noticing results.

What are collagen peptides?

Collagen peptides, also known as hydrolyzed collagen, possess identical amino acids and nutrients as collagen, yet they have undergone hydrolysis, breaking them down into shorter protein chains.

They help create new collagen proteins and fix old ones. While research on these supplements is still new, studies are starting to show promising results. For example, one study found that taking collagen peptide supplements can improve different aspects of skin health.

What is the difference between collagen and collagen peptides?

A significant distinction between collagen and collagen peptides is that one is a broken-down version of the other. Collagen peptides are created by breaking down animal collagen using a process mentioned above — called hydrolysis.

So, whereas collagen is a complete protein, collagen peptides are smaller pieces of that protein.

The body finds digesting or absorbing whole collagen challenging, whereas collagen peptides are much easier to utilize. When you take a supplement containing whole collagen, your body can only use a small portion of it compared to a supplement containing collagen peptides.

This difference in accessibility is what makes peptides a popular alternative to collagen.

It’s crucial to highlight that collagen peptides’ value lies in their ability to support the body in repairing or producing collagen. While collagen peptides can be a helpful way to achieve this, the ultimate aim is to have a plentiful supply of healthy, intact collagen.

Do collagen peptides speed up metabolism?

Researchers have yet to establish a direct connection between collagen supplementation and weight loss — an area of growing interest —but early studies point in a positive direction.

In one study, participants maintained consistent physical activity, dietary intake, and biochemical parameters, but one group was supplemented with collagen, and the other took a placebo. The findings validated the beneficial impact of collagen peptide supplementation.

This was observed in reducing body fat in older adults aged 50 years and above who engage in daily physical activity, highlighting the positive influence of collagen peptide supplementation on addressing age-related alterations.

Other reasons collagen may help with weight loss include the following:

Promotes satiety

Adding collagen supplements to your routine might contribute to a sense of fullness, which could benefit weight management goals. Proteins like collagen have been linked to increased satiety in various studies. For instance, research from a 2020 review indicates that high-protein diets can boost hormones responsible for making you feel full while decreasing those associated with hunger.

Another study suggests that higher protein intake can enhance thermogenesis, affecting both satiety and energy expenditure. It can also support muscle protein synthesis, preserving lean muscle mass and potentially improving metabolic health.

In a 2009 study, gelatin, a form of collagen, demonstrated a 44% greater reduction in hunger than casein, a protein found in milk. However, it’s essential to recognize that gelatin is an incomplete protein, lacking some essential amino acids. Therefore, you may need more than gelatin or collagen supplements to fulfill your body’s protein requirements.

Nevertheless, incorporating these supplements into your diet can contribute to overall protein intake, potentially enhancing feelings of fullness and satisfaction.

Relieves joint pain

Joint pain often hampers physical activity, a key component of weight loss programs. Since collagen is vital for healthy joint tissue, collagen supplements may support joint health and alleviate pain, potentially increasing physical activity and aiding weight loss.

Generally, studies using native type II collagen (derived from chicken sternum cartilage) for osteoarthritis (OA) have shown it can help reduce pain and improve joint function. For instance, one study found that after six months of taking native type II collagen (at 40 mg/day), people felt less pain and had better joint function than those taking other treatments.

Another study saw similar improvements over 90 days with the same dose of collagen.

Most studies use this 40 mg/day dose of collagen, usually from chickens. So, while the results seem promising, knowing the differences in how research is conducted on this topic is essential.

However, individuals may experience notable relief from joint pain by maintaining regular exercise routines and incorporating collagen peptide supplements into their diets.

Reduces body fat

Research on rodents indicates that specific collagen peptides might affect how the body stores fat. For example, a study that administered collagen to mice discovered that it caused them to lose belly fat without changing their overall weight.

Similarly, in another study, obese rats fed a high-calorie diet were treated with collagen peptides from Antarctic jellyfish and saw decreased body mass index, weight gain, and blood sugar levels.

Human studies also support these findings, showing that people who take collagen supplements derived from fish skin have reduced body fat compared to those who took the placebo.

How much collagen do I need daily to lose weight?

The amount of collagen you should take depends on the type of peptide (whether it’s bioactive or non-bioactive) and the health benefits you’re aiming for, such as improving your skin, nails, joints, muscles, and bones. Studies suggest that taking 2.5 to 15 grams of functional collagen peptides each day is effective.

How long does collagen take to start working?

After hydrolyzed collagen peptides are absorbed into the bloodstream, they quickly become available for our bodies to use. These collagen peptides can start exerting their effects within our cells within just an hour.

The speed at which collagen begins to work depends mainly on your current collagen levels. If your collagen levels are low, you may notice a visible difference once you start supplementation. Conversely, if your collagen levels are already adequate, you may experience less of an effect. So, the lower your collagen levels, the more quickly you’re likely to notice a difference when using collagen products.

Remember, age and the purpose of taking collagen can also influence how quickly you notice its effects.

When should I take collagen supplements, morning or night?

There isn’t necessarily the “best” time to take collagen peptides. However, remember that collagen protein is food, and our bodies process food differently throughout the day. Depending on their health and diet needs, some individuals might need more or less time. But if you’re aiming for particular health or body goals, timing your collagen intake might help you reach them.

The best time to take collagen for weight loss

Collagen consumed before meals may help reduce calorie intake by promoting feelings of fullness, particularly when consumed approximately 15 minutes before eating. This can potentially contribute to weight loss.

Collagen peptides possess a unique amino acid composition that enhances satiety compared to other protein powders, potentially by up to 40% when consumed in equivalent amounts.

The best time to take collagen to promote muscle growth

Collagen is a potent protein that fosters muscle development. For individuals aiming to enhance performance, boost endurance, and prevent muscle breakdown, taking collagen 15-45 minutes before a workout — depending on whether a large or small meal is consumed before training — can provide the necessary amino acids to support these goals.

During intense training activities like weightlifting or sprinting, the body undergoes muscle protein remodeling and synthesis for several hours post-workout. Collagen peptides stimulate signals that promote anabolism (building up body tissues and energy stores), facilitating tissue repair and growth, including muscle tissue.

Moreover, collagen supplementation has been shown to alleviate post-exercise soreness (DOMs), reduce the risk of injuries, and expedite recovery. Consumption of high-quality, readily absorbable protein like collagen post-training can optimize muscle recovery and growth, enhance strength, alleviate DOMs, and help prevent injuries.

Collagen peptides: Your first step toward weight loss

Collagen peptides are a supplement with numerous potential advantages and minimal known drawbacks. Incorporating them into your daily wellness regimen might contribute to a more sustainable weight loss journey, a more youthful appearance, and enhanced vitality.

Are you interested in discovering more about supplements that could suit your weight loss or wellness needs? Contact 10X Health today to learn more about how you can get a head start!

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