Fundamentals of Genetic Testing 

You probably have some idea of what genetic testing is. Maybe you’ve read about it, maybe you know someone who has had it done, or maybe you are curious about having it done yourself. Genetic testing is a medical test that identifies changes or mutations in genes, chromosomes, or proteins. 

What do changes in genes signify? The variations in genes can uncover unknown nutritional deficiencies that may be responsible for how well your body is functioning or not functioning. Genetic testing is also used for other medical diagnostics, but the focus here will be on the overall functioning of the body. 

The importance of wellness cannot be denied. If you feel good on the inside, your whole persona reflects that feeling. Reaching that optimal feeling of well-being is something that can be accomplished through genetic testing. 

10X Health Precision Genetic Test 

10X Health knows that your genes give instructions to your body to perform. Knowing what those instructions are is what the 10X Health Precision Genetic Test reveals. Once you know what your genes are dictating to your body, perfecting those instructions is key. 

The Precision Genetic Test analyzes over 50 genes in the body to determine how well they are functioning. The test only needs to be completed once since genes do not change. And the test is very simple to complete. 

The process of completing the Precision Genetic Test and getting on your way to achieving optimal wellness is simple. Just follow these steps: 

  • Step One: Order your 10X Health Precision Genetic Test. Take your saliva sample with the included collection kit and send it back to 10X Health for expert analysis. 
  • Step Two: Receive your customized comprehensive 400+ page roadmap to wellness. This report will tell you what you should be eating, how you should be incorporating movement into your routine, and if needed, what supplements would be helpful to your overall well-being. No two roadmaps are the same because the results are based on your genetic data! 
  • Step Three: Order your 10X Precision supplements. These supplements are tailored to exactly what your body needs because they are curated from what your genetic information reveals. 

The 10X Precision Genetic Test provides you with a nutrition analysis, a weight analysis, and a precision nutrition plan, in addition to all of the recommendations for supplements and exercise that would be best for you. 

The Importance of Genetic Testing 

The 10X Health Precision Genetic Test takes the guesswork out of becoming the best version of yourself. You may have tried supplements, or a specific diet, or going to the gym for countless hours and yet the results you seek are still not happening. By analyzing your genes, we learn what will work best for you so that those results happen! 

Genetic testing is important because it provides a solid, proven path to reaching wellness. There is no more comprehensive, detailed, or tailored approach to getting the results you want than completing the 10X Health Precision Genetic Test. Some other important aspects of the genetic test include: 

Well-Rounded Answers: Knowing what’s happening in your body is key to having it function properly. The 10X Precision test gives detailed information on over 50 genes and how they are working. The test uncovers any gene mutations and gives recommendations for how to fix them, improving the way your body works. 

Not One Size Fits All: Chances are that any diets, exercise plans, or supplements you’ve taken in the past are because someone you know experimented with them first. Everyone’s body is different! Your body may respond better to protein, while a friend’s body may respond better to carbs. Without taking the 10X Precision Test, you wouldn’t know this helpful information! 

Curated Supplements: Personalized supplements based on your specific health data ensure you are getting the exact dose you need to support cellular health. The microbeads in our supplements maximize nutrient absorption, and our slow-release technology helps maintain blood nutrient levels throughout the day. 

The 10X Precision Genetic Test allows you to embark on a personalized path to wellness. Your genes dictate what is involved in the process because they are what matters most when it comes to your well-being. Don’t underestimate the importance of the influence of your genes on your well-being! Order a 10X Health Precision Genetic Test today! 

Order your 10X Health Precision Genetic Test today and get on the way to optimal wellness!