The Way to Wellness 

Precision wellness is just what it sounds like — a set of precise and meaningful actions to improve your overall well-being. Accurate and careful attention is imperative to precision wellness. 

Wellness has become a buzzword in our society for many reasons, the most important of which is the desire to live the best life you can. It encompasses and focuses not only on physical health, but also on mental health, and the idea that thriving in your life is the goal, not just surviving. Precision wellness takes that idea a step further by crafting your wellness routine to your specific individual needs. 

Many wellness programs claim to target specific areas of your life and body that will help you better yourself. However, unless that program is taking your personal information and genetics into account, it’s just another program that might work. Reaching your optimal wellness goals shouldn’t be something you try to do, it should be something you can actually do! 

Genetic testing that influences precision wellness is the way to achieve the results you want. Genetic testing provides key data, determined by your genetic makeup, about exactly what your body needs. 

Genetic Testing and Precision Wellness 

Genetic testing may sound serious, a little intimidating, and not something you think of when considering your wellness goals, but you should! Genetic testing is non-invasive, easy, quick, and provides all the information you need to know about your body in order to shape and improve it to your desired results. 

No one’s body is exactly the same, therefore there isn’t one particular regimen that will work for everyone. But when you take genetics into consideration, your wellness routine can be crafted just for you. What your body needs to thrive is written in your genetic makeup, you just need to read it! 

The steps to unlocking your body’s potential are available through 10X Health’s Precision Genetic Test. The test analyzes over 50 genes and explains how each one is functioning. The test only needs to be taken once because your genes do not change. 

Once you’ve taken the genetic test and sent in the saliva sample to be analyzed, you will receive a 400+ page report showing you exactly what you should eat, how you should work out, what supplements will improve your wellness, and more. 

The comprehensive report is organized and provides so much data about your body, how it’s working, and how your overall wellness can be improved. 

Genetic Testing and Nutrition 

Your genes are the instructions for how your body functions. Genetic testing allows the genes in the body to be analyzed to figure out which ones are working the way they should, and which ones are not functioning up to expectation. The functionality of your genes is greatly determined by the nutrition in your body. 

Through Precision Genetic Testing, each major nutrient that is needed for a healthy diet is studied to see how it is being used by your genes. If your genes are not adequately absorbing some nutrients, or if they are not using some nutrients in the correct way, it will be uncovered through the test. 

Once the test reveals how your genes are affecting your nutrition, recommendations for changes to your diet can be made to help you reach a more optimal level of wellness. 

A Precision Nutrition plan will be provided to you once your Precision Genetic Test has been reviewed. Exactly what foods will work best with your genetic makeup are explained as well as ideas for specific dishes and snacks to eat to reach your full potential. 

A full nutritional meal plan can be derived from the list of recommended foods including how much of each food you should eat each day. 

Because genes have so much to do with how your body processes foods, genetic testing displays precisely what you should be eating based on your genes. Genetic testing is a game changer when it comes to building a healthy, balanced nutritional plan customized to you! 

Genetic Testing and Working Out 

Your genes also affect the way your body responds to exercise. Genetic testing can tell you how you should be working out and for what duration. A training plan is included with the results of your Precision Genetic Test to help guide you towards what workouts will work best for you! 

You can take the information provided by the Precision Genetic Test and create your own schedule of workouts. The test provides information on how long to complete each exercise based on whether you want to maintain your current weight, or reduce your weight. 

Your genes determine what workouts are best for your body. Knowing this information makes working out more effective because you aren’t wasting time on exercises that won’t work. 

Genetic Testing and Supplements 

Once your results from the 10X Precision Genetic Test are complete, a supplement can be created and customized to your specific needs. This supplement includes everything your body needs, nothing that it cannot metabolize, and ensures that you are getting the nutrients you need even if your diet is not perfect every day. 

Through the 10X Precision Genetic Test your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals will be revealed. This is what your personalized supplement will include to bring you closer to your optimal wellness. 

10X Health’s Precision Genetic Test 

Ordering 10X Health’s Precision Genetic Test is taking a step towards your body’s full potential for wellness. Everyone’s genes are different, which means everyone’s instruction manual for wellness is different. Genetic testing allows this information hidden in your genes to be uncovered and used to make your life better. 

Order your 10X Health Precision Genetic Test today and start your journey towards precision wellness! 

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