Pros of Oral Supplements

When you think of boosting your diet with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, or any other wellness-enhancing ingredient, your first thought is probably to reach for oral supplements like capsules or chewable tablets. And you would not be alone in this thought process! 

Since the advent of vitamin marketing in 1912, oral supplements have dominated the field. Whether you are team gummy vitamin or prefer regular, old-fashioned capsules, there are plenty of reasons why oral supplements have been so popular for so long.

First, oral supplements are readily accessible. From the grocery store to online shops, specialized supplement centers, and even your doctor’s office, oral supplements can be found just about everywhere. 

Second, supplements that are taken orally are easy to use. No matter your age, as long as you have the ability to chew a tablet or swallow a pill or liquid, you don’t have to worry if a supplement will be difficult for you to take.

Lastly, depending on the type you purchase, supplements are cost-effective. The average cost for multivitamins in the U.S. (the most common dietary supplement among all age groups) ranged from $7.38 on the low end to $27.52 on the high end.

Oral Supplement Cons

With universal accessibility, diverse mechanisms for consumption, and affordable prices, oral supplements offer customers a great way to enhance their diets. Despite these pros, oral supplements have one glaring flaw: digestion.

When you consume a vitamin, it must first go through your digestive system before you receive the benefits. This process takes time and does not ensure that your body will actually absorb the right amount of the vitamin you took in supplement form. Why is that? 

Part of the reason is because humans digest nutrients at different rates. For example, if you take 120mg of Magnesium and your friend takes the same, the amount of Magnesium that actually makes it into your body’s bloodstream compared to your friend will be totally different.

Simply put, with oral supplements, there is no way to control how much of the nutrient will be taken up by your cells through your digestive system. 

Pros of IV Therapy

In comparison to oral supplements, IV therapy is a much more controlled mechanism to deliver nutrients. IV therapy offers comprehensive nutrient absorption, meaning you know exactly what is being put in and what your body will get out. No guessing, no nonsense! There is a reason why hospitals use IVs to administer medication to patients: it’s precise. 

Another reason IV therapy has grown in popularity among health and wellness communities is its ability to rapidly replenish vital nutrients. Unlike oral supplements, IV fluids don’t have to go through your digestive system. Once administered, your body can start receiving the benefits right away. 

Lastly, IV therapy is extremely customizable. A trained professional can personalize your IV mix to fit your exact needs for that appointment. Need an immune boost? Extra hydration from exercising in the heat? Hungover? IV therapy can tailor your IV drip to address any of those needs and more. 

IV Therapy Cons

People love IV drips because they are effective, efficient, and customizable. However, there are a few reasons why IV therapy might not be for everyone. 

In comparison to oral supplements, IV drips are a much bigger investment. Prices vary greatly but can start around $200 per IV bag, making this a wellness luxury rather than a practical purchase for some. 

Another con is accessibility. While oral supplements are easy to find just about everywhere, IV therapy should only be done by a trained professional. For this reason, you have to find a clinic that offers these services either in-office or at your home. More IV clinics are opening every year to meet client demand, but there might not yet be one in your area.

For those with Trypanophobia, or a fear of needles, the biggest con of IV therapy is, well, the IV. Although it is the most efficient way to supplement your body, many people’s fear outweighs the benefits. If this sounds like you, sticking with alternative oral supplements is probably the better option! 

Deciding Which Is Right For You

In the case of IV therapy vs oral supplements, the verdict is up to you! Ultimately, you have to weigh what works best for you and your lifestyle. While oral supplements are convenient, affordable, and easily accessible, they aren’t the most efficient way to ensure you’re getting the most out of your supplements. If you want to control the exact amount of nutrients your body is receiving, replenish quickly, and get a fully customized mix, then IV therapy is the way to go. So, who will your supplement champion be?

Ready to dive into IV Therapy? Book an IV appointment with 10X Health today and learn why everyone is making the switch. 

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