Precision Genetic Test

Understanding your body to unlock the best version of you.


World’s First Precision
Nutrition System

You don’t have to guess anymore… One test to find out the exact diet that works best for YOUR body, the exact workout plan to help you lose weight, build muscle and so much more…
10X Health System: Genetic Testing, Precision Supplements, Precision IV

No Body Is the Same… And Your
Wellness Plan Shouldn’t Be Either

10X Health Precision Genetic Test
Ever wondered why our bodies all respond to things differently? Whether you’re hitting the gym or munching on the same greens yet feel like you’re not seeing the momentum you’ve always wanted?

It’s possible you’re actually doing things that work AGAINST your body, even if they are “healthy”… Let us explain.

Unless you’re an identical twin, your body is different from anyone else on the planet and it requires your nutrition plan to be different too…

Yes, keto diets can work.
Yes, paleo diets can work.
Yes, other diets can work.

But do they work for you?

That’s where 10X PRECISION GENETICS comes in. An all in one test where you can finally understand what your body needs so you can live the best version of yourself.

That is the future. 10X Precision Genetic testing is here.


Your Body, Your Rules…
Because One Size Fits None.

Precision genetics turns data into action and action into results. The days of “one size fits all” genetic and nutrition plans are over.

It’s because your body is different. Your genetics are different. And chances are, if you don’t understand how your body operates, you could actually be working against it.

Your body may respond better to proteins while someone in your family responds better to carbs. And in many cases, according to science, you’d actually be healthier if you ate more carbs than protein because your body processes them better. (Imagine that!)

What if your cravings are ACTUALLY telling you something? A lot of diets and wellness plans CAN work but you have to understand what works FOR YOU.

Each diet has its own set of guidelines, benefits and challenges but the only way to understand exactly what your body needs to operate is to get this 10X PRECISION GENETIC test.

Not All Mutivitamins Are Created Equally…

Our microbeads maximize nutrient absorption and help maintain optimal blood nutrient levels throughout the day with slow-release technology.

We personalize the dose of each nutrient to the milligram or microgram, based on your health data (DNA, blood, lifestyle) and scientific studies, to ensure you are getting the ideal dose to support optimal cellular health.

Tasteless, Natural Coating
6+ Hr Slow Release Matrix
Research-Backed Nutrients


10X Precision
Weight Management

In addition to your personalized precision microbead multivitamin, we will use your unique genetics to craft a 10X Precision Weight Management supplement. This proprietary pre-meal supplement tailored to your genetic profile acts as a carbohydrate and fat blocker. Designed to optimize your macronutrient intake by enhancing absorption of essential nutrients while curbing those linked to weight gain.
a person enjoys exercising with increased energy thanks to 10X Health Precision Weight Management

10X Precision
Weight Management

In addition to your personalized precision microbead multivitamin, we will use your unique genetics to craft a 10X Precision Weight Management supplement. This proprietary pre-meal supplement tailored to your genetic profile acts as a carbohydrate and fat blocker. Designed to optimize your macronutrient intake by enhancing absorption of essential nutrients while curbing those linked to weight gain.

It’s time to work with your body, not against it.

Be Precise With Your Health Today.

Whether you’re looking to build muscle, lose weight, live a more optimized life so you have more energy, more focus, better sleep and recovery, then you have to truly understand how your body works.
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Step 1

Order Your 10x Health Precision Genetic Test

No needles required. One test that analyzes 54 different genes and how each one allows your body to function… Lifetime guarantee. Genes do not change so you will only need to take this once.

10X Precision Genetic Test box
icon of a hand holding a package
Step 2

Receive Your 10X Complete Nutrition Guide

400 page comprehensive roadmap showing you exactly what to eat, how to work out and so much more. It’s now so simple to understand science specifically curated to you and YOUR optimal nutrition.

10X Precision Nutrition Analysis
icon of a hand holding a package
Step 3

Order Your 10X Precision Supplements

Using your body’s exact data and your new precision nutrition and weight analysis, buy supplements that are specifically created for your body. Each blend is a one of a kind formulation for you.

10X Health Precision Supplements box


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